Showing posts with label Control. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Control. Show all posts

Sunday, January 12, 2014

New gesture controls on Samsung Galaxy S5 detailed

A published report reveals that an European patent awarded to Samsung, could hint at new capabilities for the Samsung Galaxy S5. The patent covers a way to use head movements to control a device. The front-facing camera would monitor the user's head and watch for certain movements or gestures like a wink or a nod.

Some of the features on the Samsung Galaxy S4 already use the phone's front-facing camera to monitor certain capabilities. For example, Smart Stay will freeze a video that you're watching if you turn your eyes away from the screen. With the new patent, a certain head movement will allow you turn a page on the screen. And any action that is set off by a head movement would require a nod to confirm. That would prevent you from accidentally setting off a feature with an unintentional gesture or movement of the head.