The device is 3D enabled, runs on windows 8 and its powered by intel's Ivy bridge i5 processor. its 11.6" with 10 points capacitive touch panel; it is packed with 4GB of RAM with a 64GB HHD internal storage. it has a front and back camera, Wifi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth, USB and HDMI Ports and a Micro SD Card Reader.
Uhru has a detachable Dock with Second battery, a USB ports, Microphone, Headphone and DC Jack.
The Chief Commercial Officer of Rlg Communications, Archibald Annan told the press, Rlg was excited to introduce its latest innovation in the technological arena.
He stated “We describe it as the product that is more than a tablet because it gives you the freedom to work with it as a laptop or as a tablet if you so wish. It comes with the latest Windows 8 OS from Microsoft, it is touch screen and it uses a Core i5 processor which is the highest in the range of laptops worldwide” .
***Uhuru was originated from Kenya which is from a southern Africa Swahili language meaning "freedom".
can i please know the price